This page shows a list of frequently asked questions regarding Geneseo OpenLab.

If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please contact Geneseo’s Center for Digital Learning at

Where’s my activation email?

Have you signed up for your Geneseo OpenLab account, but still can’t join any groups or create your portfolio?

Chances are, you still need to activate your account.

After filling out all of your account information during the signup process and pressing “Complete Sign Up”, you should be sent a confirmation email that contains an activation link.

If you don’t see an email pop into your inbox, please check your Spam folder. Your Geneseo email tends to send this to Spam.

After clicking on the link in your confirmation email, you will be at the activation page shown below. Your activation key will be pre-filled, and all you need to do is click the Activate button.

If not pre-filled, please copy the given code from the e-mail and paste in the activation key box.

I signed up, but I still can’t view/access my group’s site

If you’re primarily using Geneseo OpenLab to work on a preexisting project, organization, or course site, you’ll need to be sure that you “Join” the group site.

To join a group, after signing up for Geneseo OpenLab—and making sure you’re logged in—go to your group’s OpenLab page and, underneath its account picture, select “Join” and try accessing the site again.