Since OpenLab is just that — open — it’s important for SUNY Geneseo faculty, students, and staff to contribute to a welcoming and safe environment for all of us to share. We’re all responsible for making Geneseo OpenLab a friendly and welcoming place to collaborate.

What can I say?

Geneseo OpenLab is a place for you to express yourself–you can say lots of things! Wherever you’re writing on OpenLab, you’re contributing to a shared community space. Debate is great, though please respect other people’s views and beliefs and consider your impact on others when making your contribution.

Depending on how you are using OpenLab, some things are more appropriate than others.

  • If you’re using OpenLab for courses: communicate in a clear and professional manner. Professors and students should have an understanding of expectations for participating on the course site.
  • If you’re working with others on a project or club: keep in mind that your collaborators will have expectations, too.
  • If you’re using OpenLab for your own project or portfolio: express yourself! Don’t forget, though, that you are representing yourself and your college, perhaps to potential employers.

What can I not say?

Since Geneseo OpenLab is an open community space, we cannot tolerate discriminatory posts, or language and/or slander that detracts from our users’ ability to learn, work, and share.

  • Do not use racist, sexist, or homophobic, or other bigoted language.
  • Do not use Geneseo OpenLab to harass anyone or do anything that is immoral, unethical, or illegal.

Due to University regulations, there are also some other restrictions.

  • We cannot allow direct commercial activity, like the buying and selling of textbooks, on any of the sites.
  • Because we are a state-funded, public institution, sites cannot endorse or support specific political candidates.
  • Anything you post on Geneseo OpenLab should be yours, or properly credited.

For more information and an explanation of your responsibility for your own activity on OpenLab, please consult the Geneseo OpenLab Terms of Use.

What should I do if I see something inappropriate?

Members of our community sometimes disagree with one another, but everyone here has a right to expect that they and their work will be treated respectfully, that any criticism will be thoughtful and constructive, and that they will be free from harassment on the site.

If you receive a message or see something that makes you uncomfortable, please inform your instructor. Any further issues, please contact us at We will work with everyone involved to come to a resolution. As a last resort, we will intervene to remove content. Repeated posting of inappropriate content may result in loss of access to Geneseo OpenLab. Again, please see the Geneseo OpenLab Terms of Use for more information.